03 April 2014

3 April, S2 - Year 11*

Title: Walking Talking Mock
Learning Targets 
To use the assessment to gain a greater understanding of the topics you need to revise. 

Title: Measures
Challenge Question
The radius of sphere is 10.2mm to 1 DP, what could its volume be?

Learning Targets 
To be able to calculate the volume and surface areas of complex shapes. 
To be able to calculate the upper and lower bounds of compound measures. 


Check you understanding
Demonstrate to students how to find volume of prisms.

Remind students how to find the area of a circle and then use this to find the
volume of a cylinder.

Introduce student to finding the volume of a cone.

Move to surface area of the cone.

Now look at volume of sphere.

Check you understanding
Introduce student to the idea of finding limits of number (including decimals)

Challenge Yourself
Compound Limit Quiz

Error Propagation

Exam Questions
Error Bounds